Monthly archive for September 2010
Wicket 1.4.11 released
09 Sep 2010
This is the eleventh maintenance release of the 1.4.x series and brings over fifty bug fixes and improvements.
- Subversion tag
- Changelog
- To use in Maven:
Wicket 1.4.12 released
17 Sep 2010
This is the twelfth maintenance release of the 1.4.x series. This release brings a fix to a critical bug which prevented ajax form submits in FireFox.
- Subversion tag
- Changelog
- To use in Maven: ...
Wicket 1.5-M2.1 released
17 Sep 2010
This is the second milestone of the new 1.5.x Wicket series. The focus of 1.5.x is to provide our users with a more powerful and flexible request processing pipeline.
This release is NOT production-ready, it is more of a technology demo that should facilitate user-feedback we can ...