Apache Wicket 10.1.0 released
The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 10.1.0!
Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at https://wicket.apache.org
This release marks another minor release of Wicket 10. We use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release compared to 10.0.0.
New and noteworthy
This version contains a fix for ‘CVE-2024-36522 - Remote code execution via XSLT injection’
Using this release
With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don’t forget to update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience binary package you can find here:
- Download: http://wicket.apache.org/start/wicket-10.x.html#manually
Upgrading from earlier versions
If you upgrade from 10.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If you come from a version prior to 10.0.0, please read our Wicket 10 migration guide found at
- http://s.apache.org/wicket10migrate
Have fun!
— The Wicket team
This Release
CHANGELOG for 10.1.0:
- [WICKET-7102] - Error in LiveSessionsPage
- [WICKET-7104] - wicket-autocomplete.min.js minified too aggressively
- [WICKET-7111] - Greek Application i18n is broken due to wrong file name
New Feature
- [WICKET-7109] - Create a ready to use dropdown supporting grouping
- [WICKET-7098] - [Websockets] malformed XML is generated if runtime exceptions happen during rendering phase of a web socket push request
- [WICKET-7101] - auto-label is not automatically updated when related form component is updated.
- [WICKET-7103] - Enhance ModalDialog API
- [WICKET-7110] - Add stack trace of lock holding thread in CouldNotLockPageException
- [WICKET-7105] - Remove ‘final’ from AbstractPartialPageRequestHandler#add(Component…)