Apache Wicket 6.2.0 released
The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.2.0!
This release marks the second minor release of Wicket 6. Starting with Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release compared to 6.0.0.
New and noteworthy
SerializableChecker has been made easier to extend. It is now much easier to add your own checks at serialization time. For example, check whether your LoadableDetachableModels are detached, or no Hibernate entities are referenced directly from your component tree, etc.
For the full changelog see the release notes attached to the end of this announcement.
Using this release
With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don’t forget to update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience binary package
- Source: 6.2.0 source download
- Binary: 6.2.0 binary download
Upgrading from earlier versions
If you upgrade from 6.0.0 or 6.1.0, this release is a drop in replacement. If you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6 migration guide found at http://s.apache.org/wicket-6.0-migration
Have fun!
— The Wicket team
Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.2.0
- WICKET-4752 - Revert Wicket-4715 -Read multipart request params in WebApplication
- WICKET-4587 - URLRenderer renderFullUrl
- WICKET-4589 - Closing
tag is incorrectly setup as autocomponent - WICKET-4756 - AtmosphereWebRequest should return true on calls to #isAjax()
- WICKET-4759 - FilterForm/FilterToolbar don’t work when there’s more than one IColumn to be filtered
- WICKET-4769 - Clicking on Label of Radio doesn’t update component with Ajax update
- WICKET-4771 - Submitting value filled in DropDownChoice fails when tinymce textarea is on the page
- WICKET-4776 - Problems with switching between HTTP/HTTPS
- WICKET-4777 - JavaScriptReference escapes given URL
- WICKET-4786 - AjaxTabbedPanel doesn’t include constructor with model
- WICKET-4787 - Registering resource bundles with duplicate resource references gives an NPE
- WICKET-4788 - FilteringHeaderResponse does not unwrap PriorityHeaderItems for filtering
- WICKET-4789 - URL rendering regression
- WICKET-4791 - UploadProgressBar hides immediately after being shown.
- WICKET-4792 - wickettester#startcomponent(component) doesn’t call oninitialize
- WICKET-4794 - RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator error message not defined
- WICKET-4796 - DatePickerTest fails because of java inconsistensy on localizing March german shortname Mrz vs Mär
- WICKET-4797 - CheckBoxMultipleChoice loses state
- WICKET-4801 - BaseWicketTester.executeAjaxEvent only fires one of multiple behaviors bound to a given event
- WICKET-4806 - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel won’t close select onblur
- WICKET-4810 - CLONE - BaseWicketTester.clickLink() does not work with a ResourceLink with ResourceReference
- WICKET-4816 - Handling of semicolons in form action URLs
- WICKET-4818 - NullPointerException while reading the POST parameters
- WICKET-4820 - Race condition in ResourceSettings: getResourceWatcher() is not thread safe
- WICKET-4822 - Wicket.Event.add requires Wicket.$, but wicket-ajax-jquery is not listed as a dependency
- WICKET-4824 - Redirect to HTTPS is using wrong port 80 if HttpsConfig with default ports 80/443 is used
- WICKET-4160 - Make AbstractAutoCompleteRenderer.renderHeader() and .renderFooter() non-final
- WICKET-4772 - DataTable API and handling of AbstractToolbar
- WICKET-4778 - Add factory methods to JavaScriptHeaderItem to create a deferred JavaScript header item.
- WICKET-4798 - Make IteratorFilter.onFilter protected
- WICKET-4804 - Add #setStatus(int) in AbstractResource.ResourceResponse
- WICKET-4808 - WebClientInfo.getRemoteAddr() handling “Forwarded-For” value tokens not being ip addresses
- WICKET-4812 - Make SerializationChecker easier for extending so custom checks can be added to it
New Feature
- WICKET-4793 - Support Jetty 9.x websocket implementation
- WICKET-4802 - Add functionality to be able to export DataTable content
- WICKET-4815 - Interface to mark components with type safe models